I work as a surgical recovery coordinator/perfusionist for Intermountain Donor Services. As you can imagine, my schedule is not always the typical Monday to Friday, 8 to 5 job.
Barbara Folau | Surgical Recovery CoordinatorHours can vary on a case-by-case scenario. I became so tired of contacts to glasses and back to contacts as part of my daily routine. I literally felt enslaved! I often found myself driving off at 3 a.m. to do a case without my glasses or contacts which was frustrating. Also, working at 3 a.m. with contacts in is no fun. I gave up and conformed to wearing glasses only. This really sucked!
Have you ever tried to work out with glasses? Not good! Especially if you sweat like I do and struggle to see the instructor far away or the TV monitor from the cardio equipment. All sports, in general, are so hard to function with a pair of glasses on your face, and water skiing with glasses or contacts, FORGET IT!
I decided it was time to get over my fears of LASIK and schedule an appointment. After four different cancellations and lots of researching other centers, I was most satisfied with Hoopes Vision and their staff. They have options for financing as well, which fit my budget perfectly! I am 45 days post-op and I am LOVING every minute of my freedom from contacts/eyeglasses. I truly understand what is meant by “the blind shall see!” Thank you, Dr. Hoopes Sr. for your care and wonderful staff! I am so glad I chose you, and wish I had done it years ago!