As an optometrist, I travel every other month to Alaska to provide eye care for the Native Alaskans. We travel by bush plane, snowmobile, and sleds to very remote and rugged parts of Alaska.
Steven Weaver, OD | OptometristIt was always a hassle to haul my glasses, contacts, and solutions on these trips and I decided it was time to do something about it. I had LASIK at Hoopes Vision and now see perfectly without my glasses or contacts.
Prior to LASIK, I had worn glasses and contacts every day of my life since elementary school. Although I had seen LASIK performed many times before, my experience with LASIK was even easier than I had anticipated. I also have two optometry practices in Utah and have had many patients who have also had remarkable results from their refractive surgery at Hoopes Vision. I can send my patients to Hoopes Vision for laser and cataract procedures and have full confidence that they are receiving the very best care and the very latest in technology.